
The club Newsletter, The Spokesperson, provides an open forum for club announcements, activities, and for members to share their cycling interests.

The Spokesperson is distributed by e-mail to all OBC members as part of their membership benefits using the e-mail address specified on their OBC membership application. 

If you have difficulties accessing the newsletter on-line, please contact the OBC webmaster.


Past issues can be accessed in the newsletter archives.


Submissions include touring stories, race results, letters, articles, pictures, announcements, and just about anything related to cycling except commercial advertising. Members (and non-members) are invited to submit such material for publication in The Spokesperson. It is strongly encouraged to submit relevant high resolution images alongside any written content. Images may also be used directly on OBC’s social media accounts, and submitters should include relevant social media handles so that tags may be used or credit given, when appropriate. 

Submission Deadlines 

The submission deadline for each issue is the 25th of the month in preparation for the its publication the following month (typically within the first week).  Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate submissions within the specified deadline. If, for whatever reason, your submission cannot be included in a particular issue, it will be retained for later publication. 

Submission Guidelines

Format of submissions in order of preference: 

  • E-mail text 
  • Google document
  • Word document 

Please attach images separately in full resolution instead of embedding them within your document.

We ask that your submission be kept to approximately 500 words. 

Submissions in either English or French are welcome, but please consider that the majority of club members speak English as a first language. 

Note that submissions may be checked for spelling and grammatical errors but please make an effort to do this yourself before submission. Submissions may also be edited for length or reformatted to fit available space. 

Newsletter Editor Contact

You can submit content for the newsletter by e-mailing or by using the Newsletter Editor contact form

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