
Posting Photographs

If you have photographs already hosted on a webserver, or photo sharing service, feel free to post the link on the facebook discusion group so that members can view your photos.  You can also submit the link to the club communications director.  If you have photos on your computer you wish to have posted on-line, you can use our Google Photo page.

Camera on an OBC jersey

Google Photos

The Ottawa Bicycle Club maintains a pubic Google Photo page for members to post photographs from OBC events. If you wish to have your photographs posted, please review the following guidelines

Copyright and Privacy

All pictures submitted will be published on the public Google Photo page and may also be used in the newsletter, OBC social media or other areas of the OBC website. However, the original photographer remains the copyright owner of the photograph . If you are not the photographer, please identify the photographer with your submission. Please do not submit photographs from professional photographers or pictures from other websites unless you have been granted permission to do so.

There are no laws in Ontario which prohibit the taking and non-commercial publishing of any photograph taken from a publicly viewable location. However, please use discretion and common sense and do not submit potentially unflattering or embarrassing photographs of other club members.

More information on Canadian copyright and privacy laws with respect to photography is summarized on-line.

Preparing your photographs

Please consider editing your photos before submission. Remove any blurry or out of focus shots as well as any duplicates or similar shots. Ideally you should limit your submission to your best photographs.

Google Photos automatically resizes your photos for optimal viewing on-line. Therefore you can submit full size photos directly from your camera and Google Photos will handle the resizing for you. However, if you wish to resize them beforehand, 2048px on the longest side is the preferred size.

All photographs should be in JPG format using the sRGB colour space. This is the default format produced by most cameras.

Submitting your photographs

You can submit photos using either of the following methods, listed in order of preference:

  1. Upload them yourself  to our Google Photo page.  Please contact the communications director for details
  2. Shared with the OBC webmaster via a folder in Google Drive. 
  3. E-mail to the OBC webmaster. Please limit the size of each e-mail message to 20mb to ensure that it will be delivered. There is no limit to the number of e-mail messages that can be sent to this address

Communications Director

You can submit photos to the communications director at or by using the Communications Director contact form.

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