Preparing for RLCT

About the bike (and on-bike packing) – Although people use a wide range of bikes for the ride, there is a strong recommendation to use a”drop-bar” bike , aka “road bike”. A bike fit is also recommended. Most importantly, the bike should be in good repair, with relatively new tires, brake pads, and other parts subject to wear. There should be the capacity to carry at least two water bottles, plus a repair kit, spare tubes, and a pump. Some way to carry extra clothing, or to store removed clothing, is also recommended. Also, bring $20-40 in cash for each day as several of the rest stops do not accept debit or credit cards.

Training for the ride – The more experience you have in cycling the distance of this tour the more you will enjoy the ride. Plan to ride increasing distances over the spring, building up to the distance of the route you’ve chosen – especially in poor weather. As this is a two-day event, plan to do training rides on consecutive days – with others when possible to get used to group riding. The OBC offers training in group riding for OBC members as well as weekly group rides. Sample RLCT training plans (one for the Century Plus and one for all other routes) have been put together for our riders. For additional information check out the Education section on the main OBC website.

The OBC offers its members recreational rides that may be helpful in building and maintaining your fitness, several times per week. Consult the Club Calendar and come on out and ride with us!  Two training sessions are scheduled:

  • Routes: 
    • TBD
    • TBD
  • Webscorer Registration: 
  • Routes: 
    • TBD.
  • Webscorer Registration: 

Timing your ride – The chart below gives expected total ride times for the various routes for different average speeds on a long ride. It assumes several rest-stops as well as decreasing speed as the day progresses. Use this table to determine your start times. See the schedule page for latest arrival times at Queen’s, Conlon Farm and Algonquin.

Cruise Route

Speed Time 
20km/hr 10:30 hr 
24km/hr 9:30 hr 
28km/hr 8:30hr 
32km/hr 7:30 hr 

Classic Route

Speed Time 
20km/hr 10:00 hr 
24km/hr 9:00 hr 
28km/hr 8:00hr 
32km/hr 7:00 hr 

Challenge Route

Speed Time 
20km/hr Not recommended
24km/hr Not recommended
28km/hr 10:00hr 
32km/hr 9:00 hr 

Century Route

Speed Time 
20km/hr 7:00 hr 
24km/hr 6:30 hr 
28km/hr 6:00hr 
32km/hr 5:30 hr 

Packing for the tour (overnight bag) – You only need to bring a minimum of clothing for the tour, e.g. casual clothing for the evening and cycling kit for the return trip. Jackets or other cold-weather clothing are not normally needed in Kingston at that time of year. There will be repair services available Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning as well as on route so stand pumps or other large items for bike maintenance are not necessary. Your bag should be the carry-on size and weigh no more than 10kg.  Your bag must not have any loose straps or other appendages that could be a hazard to the luggage handlers.   Also, make sure to test any new gear, especially additional bags, to ensure that the gear is secure and functional.

Planning for the weather – The weather in mid-June is usually excellent for biking, but there have been tours with unseasonal cold or hot days. The RLCT organization will prepare for such extremes and advise you of any specific preparations. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to the weather forecasts for both Ottawa and Kingston. During the ride, the weather can change significantly so be prepared to store clothing on your bike.

Pre-tour Bike Check – We recommend that you have your bike thoroughly checked for road worthiness about one week prior to the tour.  Although we do have some repair vehicles following the supported routes, these services are limited to repairs that aren’t just normal wear and tear of components. QuickCranks, one of the tour sponsors, has prepared this Bike Check Checklist for your use.  It is also offering to do a bike check without charge for anyone who has signed up for the tour – you can book this at . Please be prepared to show proof of your registration when you bring your bike in.  Also, prior to the tour, test any new gear, especially bags, to ensure that it is secure and functional.
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